Thứ Bảy, 25 tháng 1, 2014

Anton Casey caused outrage with posts about "stench" of public transport

  • Anton Casey caused outrage with sneering posts about poor people

  • Wealth management firm confirms that he no longer works there

  • Mr Casey, 39, says he, his wife and son have moved after ‘threats’

  • Left Singapore on economy flight to Perth with a hat pulled over his face

  • Former employer Crossinvest Asia announced his departure on Facebook


Simon Parry In Singapore

11:00 EST, 25 January 2014


21:53 EST, 25 January 2014

Disgraced: Anton Casey, pictured with his wife Bernice, caused outrage by sneering at poor people on Facebook

A British banker who caused  outrage by sneering at poor people on Facebook lost his job yesterday, having been forced to flee Singapore with his family.

Disgraced Anton Casey, 39, sneaked out of the city state on an economy-class flight to Perth in Australia with a hat pulled down over his face.

Hours later his employer, Crossinvest Asia, pointedly used Facebook to announce his departure.

Mr Casey, who was accompanied by his wife Bernice, a former Miss Singapore, and their five-year-old son, triggered fury last week by posting a series of insulting Facebook updates that quickly spread around the globe. It led to a campaign to deport him.

In one post, the wealth manager, who lived in Singapore for 12 years, complained about experiencing ‘the stench of public transport’ while his Porsche was in the garage.

He also described a taxi driver as a ‘retard’ and posted a photograph of his son sitting on a train with the caption: ‘Daddy where is your car and who are all these poor people?’

In a grovelling email yesterday sent from Australia to a Singapore newspaper, the former HSBC  banker described his remarks as ‘the worst mistake of my life’.

Mr Casey wrote: ‘I hope the people of Singapore will allow me to volunteer my time and resources to community projects to make amends.

‘I also hope the people of Singapore, my adopted home, will forgive me over time.’

Mr Casey said he had been forced to leave the country because of threats to his family, but insisted: ‘Singapore is our home, and we hope to return.’

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Death threats: British wealth manger Anton Casey and his wife, former Miss Singapore Bernice Wong

Miss Singapore Bernice Wong (left), the wife of Mr Casey, alongside Miss Slovac Republic Petra Mokrosova, Miss Slovenia Polona Bas and Miss South Africa Cindy Nell at the 2003 Miss Universe beauty contest in Panama City


in a message posted on Facebook, Crossinvest Asia, a wealth management

company, said: ‘The online comments made by Mr Casey do not represent

the culture that we have built over many years.

‘Accordingly, Crossinvest

Asia and Mr Casey have parted ways with immediate effect.’

Mr Casey

also faces possible prosecution if he returns to Singapore after a

complaint of sedition was lodged with police. It is under investigation.


Miss Singapore 2003, Bernice Wong, wears a typical dress during the preliminary round of the Miss Universe contest

Mr Casey posted these updates on Facebook, which he later apologised for


former colony is home to about 50,000 British expats. Many are hired by

multinational banks on lucrative packages and are notorious for ‘Hoorah

Henry’ antics.

A senior British banker, who has lived in Singapore

for 15 years, said: ‘Casey is a pillock but unfortunately there are

plenty of idiots like him with too much money and attitude.


public mood is very ugly. All the major banks have given informal

warnings to their expat staff  to cut back on the champagne and partying

until this all blows over.’

Locals applauded his exit. On the Real

Singapore blog, Jesse Loo wrote: ‘These kind of bigoted remarks cannot

be tolerated anywhere.’

Destination: Mr Casey and his family have relocated to Perth, Australia, in the wake of threats

Comments (41)

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London, United Kingdom,

11 hours ago

poor people have such a chip on their shoulder, they’re horrible about the rich all the time


Surrey, United Kingdom,

11 hours ago

The British arrogance is renown in Singapore when it comes to them dealing with the locals…..When I have been eating out in Singapore I have seen ex-pats dismiss waiters with a wave of the hand. These same sad obese ex-pats (married but wife back in UK)frequent upmarket hotel bars with what can only be described as ladies of the night attached to their arm lording it up as though they are demi-gods….it is embarrassing to behold…as for this moron….he deserves everything he got…you do not disrespect your host country…they won’t let you!!!


Nearest of Paris, France,

11 hours ago

He should have washed his brain before speaking !


Dublin, Ireland,

11 hours ago

Another so called wealth creator, revealed to be what he really is. A few months on the poverty line would be good for his moral compass

Scouse Skydiver,

Blue Skies,

11 hours ago

Good. What a disrespectful pompous prat.


Hong Kong,

11 hours ago

Good…stuck up so and so…but, it will follow you everywhere u go fool…plenty of Singaporeans in Australia….


Sur La Plage, Christmas Island,

11 hours ago

Hideous people, inside and out.


Bristol Uk,

11 hours ago

Great dad too -bringing his kid up to look down on people without his advantages – what an obnoxious prat.

Phoenix Arisen,

Halifax, United Kingdom,

11 hours ago

Pompous twit! He deserves all the backlash he gets! He should engage his brain before he engages his big, ugly, ignorant mouth!


nottingham, United Kingdom,

11 hours ago

There are lots of people like him in the uk. The all high and mighty. There is even a class divide between the same classes. He’s a nobody.

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Anton Casey caused outrage with posts about "stench" of public transport

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