Thứ Sáu, 27 tháng 12, 2013

China"s Third Plenum Outlined a New Road Map for Reforms

NEW YORK, Dec. 26, 2013 /PRNewswire/ — 2014 January issue of NewsChina magazine highlights the following headline topics:


The cover story “Gateway to Change?” features the Third Plenum of the 18th Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee in Beijing, in which the CPC outlined a new road map for reforms in the next decade.

Special Report: China 2013: Change and Challenge In 2013 China’s new leadership took full charge of a Communist Party increasingly concerned with a myriad of challenges from within and outside the country’s borders.

Politics: The Lawyer’s Story Wang Zhaofeng, a veteran lawyer, got the shock of his life when he was asked to represent disgraced former Politburo member Bo Xilai at the trial of the decade.

Economy: Leading to the Poor To help with poverty alleviation, China is expected to let NGOs and the market play a bigger role in microfinance.

Environment: Breathing Space Cross-region campaigns to combat smog, such as that launched between Beijing, Tianjin, and Hebei Province, are choking on regional protectionism.

Society: Inevitable Attack The vicious murder of a doctor in a Zhejiang hospital shows the multiple failings in China’s healthcare system.

Culture: The Hermit Hunter A student of Buddhism with a keen interest in China’s few remaining hermits, American author Bill Porter has spent the past 40 years in search of spiritual tranquility and literary fulfillment.

Editorial: Successful reform requires the leadership to interact with society As the economy has developed and become more complex, the interests of the elite and those of the public have become increasingly contradictory.

Commentary: Urbanization should mean more than relocation China’s urbanization drive should not only aim to move people into the cities, but to develop a genuinely modern society.

NewsChina (ISSN 1943-1902) is a globally distributed, current affairs magazine, published monthly in English language. Its goal is to provide timely direct insight into today’s modern China. The magazine was launched in New York, August of 2008 by China Newsweek Corp. Today it is widely available in bookstores, airports, train terminals, libraries, and newsstands. NewsChina is distributed in the United States, China, Canada, Brazil, Australia, New Zealand, United Kingdom, Germany, Austria, Lebanon, Singapore, Thailand, India, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, and Philippines. NewsChina is also available by subscription. For subscription call (U.S.) 1-877-467-1758, (Outside U.S.) 1-731-434-1108. Online:

Fred Teng
Tianli Zhang

SOURCE NewsChina

China"s Third Plenum Outlined a New Road Map for Reforms

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