Chủ Nhật, 8 tháng 6, 2014

Mapping the media in Sisi"s Egypt


contentButton: “

” + value.toolTip + “


if (value.isCurrent == ‘true’)

if (i 0)

var tmp = dataItems[i];

dataItems[i] = dataItems[0];

dataItems[0] = tmp;



var dvName = ‘classicQOD_’ + Math.floor((Math.random() * 100) + 1);

//dvName = ‘flavor_1′;

$qod.prepend($(”).attr(‘id’, dvName).attr(‘class’, ‘slideshow’));

$(“#” + dvName).agile_carousel(

carousel_data: dataItems,

carousel_outer_height: 198,

carousel_height: 198,

slide_height: 200,

carousel_outer_width: 450,

slide_width: 450,

transition_time: 300,

timer: 40000,

continuous_scrolling: true,

control_set_1: “numbered_buttons”,

no_control_set: “hover_previous_button,hover_next_button”



Mapping the media in Sisi"s Egypt

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